PHU Ave Jerzy Bedkowski
40-859 Katowice, Poland
Pokoju 3/5
Phone/Fax +48 32 254 13 45 ; +48 32 254 17 23
Chevron Phillips reference fuels are used to evaluate the quality of transportation fuels in standardized test procedures. The broad product portfolio includes a wide range of reference fuels, including primary and secondary standards for gasoline, diesel, and aviation fuels. The portfolio also includes fire-training products and multiple reagent standards to meet ASTM, SAE, and Mil spec testing requirements. Applications include verification of octane levels in fuels, establishing the octane or cetane requirements of an engine, testing a fuel system's ability to resist vapor lock, testing the impact of fuel quality on emissions or drivability, and determining the durability of fuel system components in oxy-fuel environments.
Diesel Secondary Reference Fuel T
Diesel Secondary Reference Fuel U
Diesel Cetane Check Fuel, high
Diesel Cetane Check Fuel, low
Diesel Cetane Check Fuel, ultra-high
PRF Isooctane
PRF Isooctane + TEL
PRF n-heptane
PRF Octane
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 60
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 80
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 81
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 82
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 83
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 84
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 85
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 86
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 87
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 88
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 89
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 90
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 91
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 92
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 93
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 94
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 95
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 96
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 97
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 98
PRF (ASTM) Octane Blend No. 99
Toluene, Reference Fuel Grade
Toluene Standard Fuel 65.1
Toluene Standard Fuel 75.6
Toluene Standard Fuel 85.2
Toluene Standard Fuel 89.3
Toluene Standard Fuel 93.4
Toluene Standard Fuel 94.8
Toluene Standard Fuel 96.9
Toluene Standard Fuel 98.3
Toluene Standard Fuel 99.8
Toluene Standard Fuel 102.5
Toluene Standard Fuel 103.3
Toluene Standard Fuel 107.6
Toluene Standard Fuel 113.0
Hydrocarbon Fluid, type I
Hydrocarbon Fluid, type II
Hydrocarbon Fluid, type III
Hydrocarbon Fluid, type VII
MIL-G-3056 Combat Gasoline,
Superceded by ASTM D-4814 (UTG-91)
Reference Fuel A, ASTM D 471
Reference Fuel B, ASTM D 471
Reference Fuel C, ASTM D 471
Reference Fuel D, ASTM D 471
Aviation Check Fuel 100/130
Flash Point Check Fuel p-xylene
Reference Gas Oil #1